Mobile security challenges:
The mobile has taken center stage in all aspects of life, but its influence is perhaps most noticeable in the corporate sector where the influx of mobile technologies has brought a sea change in the way enterprises operate. The proliferation of mobile has naturally led to concerns regarding security.
Today, 2 out of 3 employees use their mobiles for work-related activities. More and more companies are adopting BYOD’s at their workplace. Mobiles have become a mine of sensitive corporate information and a probable entry point in the IT. In the event of a mobile getting lost or stolen, there is a high chance of sensitive data falling into the wrong hands. For example, according to OCR, there were 253 breaches affecting more than 500 individuals, and running into a combined loss of over 112 million records in healthcare sector. And in Japan, at least 2.07 million sets of personal data were stolen or feared leaked from 140 organizations in 2015, according to a Kyodo News survey.
Read More: Top 10 Security Challenges of Mobile & Cloud
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