Information Security professionals have every reason to fear breaches, and prepare Data Breach Response Plans for exigencies. However, the growing sophistication and nature of attacks continue to catch experts off-guard and render their response to the cyber-attacks ineffective.
It is of little wonder then that having an efficient data breach response plan in one’s arsenal makes the threat of a security incident less menacing. Here are a few steps that will lead to an effective data breach response plan that allows enterprises to plan, prepare for, and implement response action points in the face of a security incident.
By Scheduling Periodic Security System and Policy Reviews
Regular validation of one’s security systems and archiving mechanisms is a critical step in approaching the response plan. Knowledge of what mechanism is working and what isn’t is crucial in the event of a crisis. What is also key is reviewing all related policies to ensure company-wide compliance.
Read More: How to Keep a Data Breach Response Action Plan Ready
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