Infrastructure Management 2.0 – Transforming Business in a Disruptive Environment

In 2004, an industry analyst said that the technology required to create a driver less car was impossible to achieve quickly. By 2011, Google had filed for a patent for driver less cars and was lobbying to change American law to allow for such vehicles on the roads. In just seven years, what seemed impossible became a tangible probability. All this made possible thanks to the rapid advancement of technology. In other words, technology disruption.

Technology has shaped the world from time immemorial. But never before has technology itself evolved and changed so rapidly with such major impact. Consider this; IDC estimates the installed base of the Internet of Things will reach approximately 212 billion in 2020. This will include 30 billion “connected (autonomous) things” that same year. By 2017, more than 50 percent of analytics implementations will make use of event data streams generated from instrumented machines, applications, and/or individuals. KPMG estimates that there are 4.5 billion mobile subscribers globally; nearly 900 million in India alone. Also according to KPMG, the market for cloud is set to grow from $109 billion in 2012 billion to $ 206.6 in 2016, big data from $ 5.4 billion in 2012 to $ 48 billion in 2016.

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