Nearly all the products we buy today, from a consumer durable to a personal computer, have a service aspect to the purchase. The purchase of a laptop, for example, may come bundled with an annual maintenance contract or AMC, which is service that runs alongside the pure product buy.
Successful companies are those that can bundle a product along with its service, ensuring that the customer has life-long peace of mind. Easy to understand when you talk of a product – say a car battery. A service aimed at ensuring that the customer does not have ‘down-time’ will keep the buyer invested in the product.
The Economist says a product is that which you can point to whereas a service is something that you cannot “drop on your feet”. It is intangible, in sense, but like the product itself must have a client focus.
As the world goes digital, this may sound dated. The digital age is re-writing the way we interface with a product, including a real-life one such as a consumer durable. A buyer’s continuing happiness will depend on how the company that sold him the product handles the service around it, and that means doing so effectively in the newly-emerging digital delivery system. An AMC, a loyalty programme, an Air Miles program and holiday time-shares are services that are integral to the product eco-system. Customer focus is one, continuing customer focus in the service domain is another.
Product service may sound like a generic word but the truth is that it is specialized to the extent that it encompasses a product and its related features. Tie this to services surrounding the product and you have a system that can either be client-focused or not.
Read More: IT Product Support Services
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